Author: Abu Raef
Secularism (5th part)
The entry of secularism into some Islamic countries
In the middle of the 19th century, the Islamic world faced a very difficult, complex and sensitive problem, and the future of the Islamic world as a world with individuality and independent existence depended on the position it took in front of this decisive problem.
This problem was the young and dynamic civilization of the West, which was full of vitality, dynamism, ambition, and the power of growth and domination, and the Western civilization is one of the most powerful human civilizations known in history. This civilization was a symbol of the factors that were formed in the past, prepared and appeared at the right time and faced the Islamic world with this problem; Because after the retreat of the old religions from the campaign of life, the Islamic world became the leader of the religious and moral mission and the guardian of human societies, and had a great force that others could hardly count on.
In that century, the Islamic world had very large governments, naturally, the challenge of the western material and instrumental civilization with the Islamic world was greater than the challenge of any other nation, civilization and society.
With Napoleon’s attack on Egypt for the first time, the way of secularism was opened to Islamic countries and Ismail Khedevi introduced French law to Egypt in 1883. Ismail Khedevi’s dream was to make Egypt a part of Europe.
Islamic Turkey was a pioneer in accepting this way of thinking and working of “secularism” from others, and this attitude was the natural result of numerous factors and historical records of this country; Because Turkey had fought with Europe for a long time without preparing and preparing war supplies and without being armed with the scientific and industrial weapons of its enemy.
This country had failed to take advantage of the useful knowledge of Europe and the industries and military methods and management mechanisms to the point of committing a sin, and the scholars and religious leaders also failed in the scientific and intellectual direction of the country and the people and monitoring the trends that were the natural demand of time and place and transformation. The situation is all over the world and they neglected to explain what is appropriate or inappropriate.
Before the half of the 19th century AD, “secularism” had taken root in Turkey to some extent, but it was progressing very slowly, so that no one would notice, and its motto was settlement and progress.
That is, we will lead the country towards progress and development, and they said that the government is Islamic; But what is needed for the government is that we have to pull the government out of the state of backwardness and the suffering it is suffering.
After the British forces and their allies occupied the territory of Turkey, they immediately abolished the Islamic Caliphate. First, he slaughtered it and removed the caliphate clothes from his body; Then they banned the call to prayer and declared that no one has the right to call the call to prayer(azan), after that they canceled the Arabic alphabet, banned the hijab, and executed the elected Prime Minister of Turkey, Adnan Mendris, because he had Islamic tendencies, and the rest of the work. It was the past and the Islamic world and Muslims were mourning the loss of the caliphate and the Islamic state.
It is well known that in Turkey there has been a conflict between Islam and secularism as well as between secularists and Muslims for a long time. No party had the right to say that I am inclined towards Islam or want to have Islamic activities.
There was no real democracy at all and Turkish people were not allowed to leave the system of secularism at all, the freedom was so much that you are allowed to discuss anything else except criticism of secularism.
On the other hand, Westerners and scavengers knew well that there is a possibility that the fire of Islamic awakening will be ignited among Muslims; Therefore, they undertook some programs so that the body of the Islamic world remains wounded like this and never recovers, and first they made extensive changes in the politics of Islamic countries so that with this method the West can speak first in Islamic countries and guarantee the survival of the West in these countries.
One of the policies of the West after occupying Islamic countries was to put secular pieces on the couch of power, and they did the same thing and got results. In Turkey, they brought their obedient disciple Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to power and set some conditions for him.
Atatürk also assured the British that he should not be afraid and that he would accept any conditions they set. They also communicated four conditions to Atatürk through their ambassador, which are:
First: Turkey must completely sever its relationship with Islam.
Second: cancel the Islamic caliphate.
Third: pledge to destroy any move he wants to revive the caliphate.
Fourth: To replace human laws and secularism instead of the laws of the Ottoman Caliphate.
Atatürk accepted willingly and with Ataturk’s agreement with the mentioned conditions, the Treaty of Lausanne was made. England also handed over all the land it had taken from the Ottoman Turks to Atatürk in order to make Atatürk look like a hero. On the other hand, England encouraged the Arabs to separate from the Turks and create another caliphate for themselves.
After rejecting the Islamic caliphate, they divided the Islamic countries into pieces, and Tabsharis and Orientalists poured into the Islamic countries, although they could not impose Christianity on the Muslims; But they have succeeded in one thing, and that is that they were able to sow the seeds of doubt and weakness in the beliefs of Muslims.
France occupied Algeria in 1830, Tunisia in 1881, Morocco in 1912, and the Levant in 1920.
Britain occupied India in 1857 and destroyed one of the largest Islamic states, a state that was established at the beginning of the 16th century, followed by Egypt in 1882, Iraq in 1914, and Palestine in 1819. occupied.
And this division of countries between Britain and France was not accidental; Rather, France and Britain had agreed on these issues.
France abolished the Islamic law in Algeria in 1830. In 1906, French law replaced Islamic Sharia in Tunisia. Also, in 1913, French law was established in Morocco instead of Islamic law. After the defeat of the Ottoman Caliphate, Iraq and Syria abolished the Islamic Sharia law there.
And this is how the Western countries, after careful planning and replacing their approved people in Islamic countries who are subordinate to the West in any issue, shortened the hand of Islam from global activities and took control of world affairs and did whatever they wanted. they do.
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