The killing of Hazrat Uthman bin Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, and following it, the divisions of the Ummah and his instigation of war, was the biggest event that happened at the beginning of Islam, and these events ended the dialogue and peaceful competition in the caliphate, and the armed struggle for the caliphate was achieved.
A matter that resulted in the emergence of Islamic sects and the war and controversy surrounding the issue of caliphate and the person who should assume it and his conditions, and thinking about the issue of faith and disbelief, predestination and free will in actions.
The Khawarij and Shias were the strongest and most stable sects, and their strictness in their religious and political beliefs and the extremism of some of them in these beliefs led to the emergence of the Morjaeh sect, and it is reported in the news of a group of companions that they were the first to withdraw from seditions. They found and agreed to put off. They justified their positions with many hadiths they had heard from the Prophet.
It is also in the news of this group that they refused to enter into the political conflicts that were widely published at the end of the life of Hazrat Uthman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, and after his death, they withdrew from sedition and avoided Hazrat Ali and Muawiya and none of them helped the other.
Among them was Saad bin Abi Waqqas Zohri, may Allah be pleased with him, who died in the year (fifty-five Hijri) according to the popular saying. He said about sedition: “I don’t think my right to my own shirt is more than my right to the caliphate. I have done Jihad; So, I am familiar with Jihad and if a better man than me is found, I will not blame myself and I will not fight; Unless you bring me a sword that has two eyes, one tongue and two blades and says: This one is a believer and the other one is a disbeliever.
In a narration, it is stated that the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:<تفرقت الیهود علی إحدی و سبعین فرقة، و تفترق هذه الأمة علی ثلاث و سبعین فرقة> “The Jews was divided into seventy-one factions and this nation (Islam) will be divided into seventy-three factions”.
And the scholars of Da’wa differed on the principle of these 73 sects and religions, but they counted one of these sects as “Morjaeh”. Sheikh Abdullah bin Imam considers that the principles of these sects are: Kharijite, Shia,Morjaeh and Qadiriyyah. And according to Abdul Latif bin Abdul Rahman, the origin of these 73 sects is 6 fractions: Rawafez, Khawarij, morjaeh, Jahmiyyah, Qadiriyyah and Jabriyyah. Each of these sects was created according to their votes and requests.