A person’s personality is all his capital and possessions, which should be preserved, and things that harm it should be avoided. A person with character always lives with his own shirt and with his natural nature and does not wear the shirt of other people’s personality and does not melt into it. I see many people who forget themselves, their ways, movements, words, talents and circumstances and melt into the personality of others and always seek to imitate them.
In this case, let us give an opinion and thought that God Almighty has created every human being with the best nature, method and talent; Since no two people have been the same since the time of Adam until the end of creation, how can they be alike in talents and morals? So, you brother! You are completely different, and you have no example in history, and remember that no one will be born like you, so use your assets and talents as you deserve, and you will throw yourself into the cellar of imitation, assimilation, and melting.
Almighty God says: “قَدْ عَلِمَ كُلُّ أُنَاسٍ مَشْرَبَهُمْ” (every group knew its place to drink); So, my dear, you too know where to drink water, move in your nature; If you want your reputation, dignity, and personality to remain intact, never imitate others; And live as you were created!
As Dr. Ayez Qarani, one of the contemporary scholars of the Ummah, writes in his beautiful book “Latazn”: “People’s nature is like the world of trees.” sweet, sour, long and short, they should be like that; If you were a banana; Don’t be a pear, because your beauty and value is to be a banana.
Differences in colors, languages, talents and abilities are signs of the creator, so don’t deny his signs and marks. There is no doubt that blindly imitating others and following habits seriously harms a person’s character, thought and conception, and the flourishing of a person’s mind and thought is locked in the narrowness of the intellectual framework of others, and then a person cannot open up in new and bright horizons. Fly as you wish. Accordingly, a person innovates with personality and with thought, creates and uses his intellect, mind, and knowledge, and abandons imitation and fusion.