Author: Abu Erfan
The progress of all the countries of the world is the result of the talents that exist in that country and their ideas and creativity are exploited.
The level of education, the quality of education, the type of education and the space and environment in which a person grows and reaches intellectual and natural maturity are among the things that determine the quality and level of civilization in the society of that country.
Certainly, the country’s young people are among the profitable and strong spiritual assets of this land, the formation of society and its development is not possible except in the shadow of the lofty thoughts and tireless efforts of this generation; A generation whose absence endangers the society, leads to destruction, and their empty place will never be filled except with a few decades of backwardness.
The passport branches in the country are extremely crowded and the majority of our compatriots either have passports or are pursuing passports, and at least a large part of the passport seekers have no other purpose than to leave Afghanistan; Whether permanent or temporary.
The term “brain drain” is well-known in our neighboring countries and there are many real examples that the examination of their situation confirms the proof of this issue and reveals the hideous face of this scenario and its unfortunate consequences.
In this area, there are two big challenges facing the nation of Afghanistan:
Those who leave the country permanently; This group is definitely the most damaged and the hardest type of damage is the damage of alienation from Islamic principles and rules, the quick and imperceptible process of alienation from these teachings can never be compensated and will cause many losses to the society, which has often happened.
temporary departure from the homeland; This title can have different forms, from income generation, political problems, tourist tours to the trips that our people take on a whim, each of them, like wine, has benefits and harms. There is no doubt that the crisis of these trips or migrations is affecting our Islamic society. And there will be no end to its damage, especially those who prefer meeting the country over their own survival in order to earn a bite of bread, and especially people who, due to the political problems they have or imagine for themselves; Because this group, with several decades of experience in Afghanistan, has always prioritized their own interests over the general interests of our Muslim nation, and unifying people from a legal point of view has never been one of their goals, and even now, with every trick and mischief, they introduce themselves to the table of the Afghan nation. And from the address of this oppressed nation, they seek to fill their pockets and achieve their personal goals.