Author: Om Aisha
Introduction: In the previous sections, we introduced the Qadianite sect and explained their beliefs. In this section, we are trying to express the opinions of scholars about this group and name the works that have been written about the Qadianite group.

Fatwa on Jihad being obsolete

Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani did many things to satisfy the British government, and one of the most important and beneficial things for the British government was his “declaration of the abolition of Jihad”.
Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, in support of the British government, declared that obedience to the British government is obligatory and rebellion against it is not permissible under any circumstances. In the first place, this declaration was a pure Sharia fatwa, which can be seen in most Qadiani declarations; But after he was recognized by his followers as a prophet and was recognized as a prophet by the British government, he declared jihad and any kind of military activity against the British government to be forbidden and obsolete. In one of his announcements, he says: “From now on, Jihad has stopped and wars have ended; As already mentioned in the hadiths: when the Messiah comes, fighting for religion becomes forbidden; Therefore, it is forbidden to fight for religion from today, after this, if someone takes up a sword in the name of Mujahid and spills the blood of infidels on the ground, he is disobedient to God and the Messenger. In another place, he writes: “I am sure that even if my followers increase, the number of Jihad believers will decrease; Because the requirement to believe in me as the Messiah and Mahdi is to deny the issue of Jihad.
In order to make the issue more clear, in this section we try to mention the sayings of scholars and Da’wahists who have been closely acquainted with this group.

Scholars’ statements about the Qadianite sect

Mufti Muhammad Shafi Osmani, may God have mercy on him, writes: “Many misguided sects have appeared in the world and will continue to appear in the future. But in the meantime, the belief of “Qadianism” was an exceptional belief; Because due to the many contradictions that can be seen in the statements and irrelevant claims of Ghulam Ahmad, his followers were in a strange confusion and the character of Ghulam Ahmad was a mystery to them; They did not know whether he was a prophet or a Mahdi, an angel or a human being, a woman or a man, a Muslim or a Hindu.
Great poet of India Allamah Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Lahori says: “Qadiyanism is a great danger for Islam and a false and false belief independent of it. This group is a systematic effort to establish and create a new group whose foundation is based on competing with the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal has rejected the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, who in his country and also in Pakistan paid attention to the Qadiyanites because of their blasphemy in opposition to Islam and the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
Allameh Seyyed Abul Hassan Ali Nadavi writes about the Qadianite group: “Qadianite is a great conspiracy and a pervasive problem and a rebellion against the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him, against the unity of the Islamic message, and against the unity and integrity of this Ummah.
These are the words of elite scholars and those who are familiar with the Qadianite group and its elders and know them the most. Because these scholars are from the same regions and they are among the first ones who stood up and revolted against this hostile movement against Islam and the prophethood of Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and did their best to answer their mistakes, problems, and also their illogical words and unreasonable reasons. . So, the words of these people are very valid towards this group and sect, and it is reasonable to accept them.
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