Author: Om Aisha

Qadiani’s reason for the death of Jesus, peace be upon him

This sect claims that God has announced the death of Jesus Christ in the Qur’an «ولما توفیتنی کنت انت الرقیب علیهم»and that there will be no return.
This claim is not reasonable; Because, first of all: There are different opinions among the commentators on the meaning of «توفی»”tavafi”, according to a group of commentators, including Sedi, Qatadeh, Hassan, may Allah have mercy on him, «توفی»”tavafi” does not mean death; Rather, it is for the purpose of ascending to the sky, and basically, this idea and understanding that «توفی»”tavafi” in this honorable verse means death is weak.
Secondly: One of the certainties of Muslim belief is that the Almighty God took Jesus, peace be upon him, to the sky to return to the earth with the savior of the end of time.
Thirdly: Almighty God is able to bring Jesus back, even if he really passed away; Because Allah, the Most High, says: «إذا أراد شیئا أن یقول له کن فیکون»”“If He wants something, He says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.”” “It is not except that his command when he wants something (to create) is to tell it to exist; So it will be available immediately.”
Fourth: On the assumption that “tavafi” here means death, it still does not prove that Ghulam Ahmed descended from the sky instead of Jesus, peace be upon him. There is a general point and that is that every interpretation needs analogy; In the claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, there is no evidence for interpretations without occasion.
The Qadianites give several reasons for the death of Jesus, peace be upon him, one of them is a verse in Surah Al-Imran, in which the Almighty God says:
«وما محمد إلا رسول قدخلت من قبله الرسل»  Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is only a messenger and all the messengers died before him.
First: In this verse, generally, the translation of  (خلت)”Khalt” is past. But the Qadianiyyah believe that (قد خلت)”Qadkhlat” means they have died, and they say this from the dictionary “Taj al-Arus” which says: “Khala a person: he is dead”.
Secondly: It is said that God Almighty says in the continuation of the verse:
«أفإن مات أو قتل انقلبتم علی أعقابکم» if the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, dies or is killed, will you return to Jahiliyyah?
This word itself interprets(خلت) “Khalt” that passing away, if we get the meaning, (خلت)”Khalt” is in two ways, either by dying or being killed.
Thirdly: The opponents of the Qadianite sect say that all the ummah has a consensus on the removal and non-death of Jesus from the beginning of Islam.
In their answer, the Qadianiyya say: The consensus of the Companions was that Christ is dead or killed, like other prophets; Because after the death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, when Hazrat Omar, may God be pleased with him, said: Let no one say that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, died. In that situation, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) came forward and recited the same verse in front of all the Companions, and no one said that Masih ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) is alive. Therefore, it is possible that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has not died and is still alive, at least Hazrat Omar could have answered Hazrat Abu Bakr like this in confirming his words.
Examining the reason for the death of Jesus, peace be upon him
Research on the meaning of “vacuity”
The main meaning in this article means to get rid of employment and duty and to complete it, and this feature is seen in all the uses of this article; For example: the Almighty said: “«و إن من أمة إلا خلا فیها نذیر»” “There is no nation; Unless there was a warning in it.
“«رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل»” “according to research, there were prophets before him”.
“«قد خلت من قبلها أمم»” “There have been other nations before him”.
“«وقد خلت القرون من قبلی»” “while the generations before me have passed”.
“«قد خلت سنة الأولین»” “Certainly the traditions of the predecessors have also passed.”
“«قد خلت من قبلکم سنن»” “Truly there have been past events before you”.
“«قال ادخلوا فی امم قدخلت من قبلکم من الجن والإنس فی النار»” “enter the fire with the nations of jinn and man who have passed before you”.
“«تلک أمة قد خلت لها ما کسبت ولکم ما کسبتم»” “This is a nation that is in the past and their actions are theirs and your actions are also yours.”
In all these verses, the word “empty” or “emptiness” refers to their absence from their jobs and duties.
The famous and well-known commentator Allame Alusi, may God have mercy on him, says about the existence of Jesus, peace be upon him, and his descent at the end of time: “It is famous that Jesus, peace be upon him, descends from the sky during the rise of Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him, at the dawn of the morning at the gate of Damascus. Mahdi invites him to pray congregational prayers for the people; But he puts forward Hazrat Mahdi and follows his example and says: “Prayer is established only under your Imamate”.
Allamah Siyuti, may God have mercy on him, says in this regard: “This is one of the most amazing wonders, why the descent of Jesus, peace be upon him, and praying under the leadership of Imam Mahdi, is established and unquestionable in the multitude of authentic traditions from the traditions that came down from the Prophet, peace be upon him.”

A few important points

  1. From the above reasons, it is proven that this sect is one of the deviant sects and far from any kind of truth and reality; Because, as it has been proven, the origin of this group is from the infidels, and its main driver is big infidel countries like Britain (England); Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of their thoughts and views so that it does not penetrate into our society and does not lead our teenagers and young people to deviate.
  2. This question may have arisen for some, whether this sect still exists or not? Because when we check the sources, we see that this group existed a long time ago. The answer should be: Yes, this group still exists. Especially in foreign and western countries, by examining the name of this group in social media, we find out that nowadays they use different ways and have diverse activities, to the extent that in some countries they have satellite networks and use it to invite to ideas and their own beliefs.
  3. The purpose of the infidels in creating this group, as stated at the beginning of the article, was to create discord, division, and disunity among the Muslims, in order to be able to attack this great religion through the Muslims themselves, and To tarnish it, they hired someone and made him do something that Muslims hate so much.
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