After we have understood the importance, necessity, and reasons for not reflecting, as well as the specific and helpful aspects of contemplation, we will mention some of the many benefits of contemplation.
First: One of the benefits is the deepening of the roots of faith in the heart. Contemplation in the Quran increases faith and certainty because when a person opens the Quran, they are certain that it is the word of Allah Almighty and from the essence of Allah Himself. They find no difference, contradiction, or conflict in it from beginning to end; therefore, faith deepens in the heart. This faith does not increase until one reaches the level of certainty that the Quran is indeed the word of Allah. The repetition of stories, rulings, and news within the verses serves to confirm and agree with one another, revealing the perfection of the Quran.
Second: The second fruit of contemplation is knowledge about Allah (Glory be to Him). Through recitation, the contemplative individual gains insight into Allah, understanding Him as their Lord who must be worshiped. They comprehend His perfect attributes, recognizing that He is free from imperfection and defect. They learn the path to reach Allah, the characteristics of His lovers, and the blessings that await them. Additionally, they become aware of the true enemies and the path to Hell, along with the traits of its inhabitants. As Allama Saadi emphasizes in his discussion on the benefits of contemplation: “The more he ponders, the more his knowledge, action, insight, and understanding increase.” [Tafsir al-Saadi, vol. 1, p. 376]
Third: The third benefit of reflecting on the Quran is achieving the qualities of being a true servant. Reflecting on the Quran provides insight into what Allah wants from us and teaches us how to worship Him correctly. The Quran serves as the plan of life and the foundation of religious matters revealed by Allah Almighty. Based on this, Allama Ibn Qayyim states: “The meanings of the Quran always guide the servant to his Lord with its beautiful promises and warn him against dangerous punishments. It inspires him to remain light and unburdened on a heavy and difficult day, guiding him from the darkness of misguided thoughts and sects towards the right path. It also protects him from entering paths of innovation and misguidance, inspires him to increase blessings through gratitude, and familiarizes him with the boundaries of what is lawful and unlawful, protecting his heart from desires and deviation.” Regarding contemplation, he adds, “In understanding the Quran, there are many more wisdoms and benefits than what we have mentioned; in short, the Quran is the greatest treasure.” [Madarij al-Salkin 1, p. 450]
Fourth: Contemplation serves as nourishment, healing, and a weapon. It is a cure that heals the soul from its deficiencies. When a Muslim reflects deeply on the Quran, this contemplation fosters strong immunity. As Allah the Almighty says: (وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَا يَزِيدُ الظَّالِمِينَ إِلَّا خَسَارًا) (Al-Isra 82) Translation: “Surely, we send down the Quran in which is a healing and a mercy for the believers, and it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.”
Furthermore, Allah the Almighty states: (قُلْ هُوَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا هُدًى وَشِفَاءٌ) (Fussilat 44) Translation: “O Prophet: Say that the Quran is indeed a guidance and a healing for the believers.”
Thus, contemplation leads a person out of inner confusion and doubts, guiding them from lowliness and emptiness to happiness and comfort. Additionally, contemplation serves as a weapon that repels individual and social dangers, both from within and without.
Fifth: Intellectual and mental training is another benefit of contemplation. Knowing what Allah, the Exalted, has revealed is fundamental to intellectual and mental training. It imparts beneficial knowledge that individuals should follow while informing them of harmful knowledge to shun. Consequently, a mind that reflects on the Quran neither desires harmful things nor is inclined towards corrupt intentions, fantasies, or superstitions. Therefore, contemplation in the Quran is the key to every goodness, aiding the individual in understanding the Word of Allah and opening the doors of intellect and thought to knowledge and comprehension. Allama Saadi states: “The key to knowledge and wisdom is certainly contemplation, and through it, all good is fruitful, and all knowledge is extracted from it.” [Tafsir al-Saadi, vol. 1, p. 26]
This is what we wish to present to you in this letter, which includes:
– The definition of contemplation.
– The importance of contemplation.
– The ruling on contemplation.
– The reasons for not Contemplating.
– Things that help create contemplation.
– The benefits and fruits of contemplation.
We ask Allah Almighty to help us and you in reflecting on the Quran, to grant us understanding of religion, to protect our country and all Muslim countries from the evils of sedition, and to grant our rulers and guardians success in what Allah loves and approves of, and to bless them with righteous and reformed families and children.