It is forbidden to imitate other than Ahmadiyya in congregational prayer.
It is forbidden to marry an Ahmadiyya girl to a non-Ahmadiyya. But an Ahmadi man can marry a non-Ahmadiyya girl, and any Ahmadi person who marries his daughter to a non-Ahmadiyya is out of Islam and a disbeliever.
It is forbidden to pray congregational prayer behind a non-Qadiani imam, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says about this: “Indeed, Allah Almighty informed me about praying behind someone who denies me or doubts about obeying me. It is definitively forbidden [to imitate it]; Rather, it is obligatory for you to pray behind the imam who is your imam and leader, and this is what is mentioned in the hadith “امامکم منکم” on the authority of Abi Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ” «کیف أنتم إذا نزل ابن مریم فیکم وامامکم منکم»؛” I am mine”; How will you be when the child of Mary descends among you and someone from you becomes Imam? But Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says: The meaning is that when the Messiah descends on you, it is necessary for you to leave the group that invites you to Islam and place your Imam from among yourselves and do what You are commanded, do you want your deeds to perish and you not to feel?
Funeral prayer is prohibited for a non-Ahmadi Muslim; It is not even true for their children; Because the religion of the child is the religion of his parents and the child is subject to the religion of his parents.
Also, the funeral prayer for a person who died in a place where he has not yet been invited and one of the Qadianis went to that place, should he perform the funeral prayer for that dead person or not? The Qadianis say: We only act on appearances, and the appearance is that the person died in a state that still did not know his Messenger and Prophet (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani); Therefore, the prayer should not be offered to that person, and the funeral prayer should not be offered to those Qadis who pray behind the Muslims or who do business with them. Because with this work, he left the Qadiani sect.
Thoughts and opinions of the Qadianis
Qadianis believe that Ghulam Ahmed is the promised Messiah.
They believe that God fasts, prays, sleeps, wakes up, writes, and has sexual intercourse.
).تعالی الله عما یقولون علواً کبیرا “Glory be to God, God is great and superior to what they say.”
Qadiani believes that his God is English-speaking; Because he speaks to him in English. Qadiyans believe that prophet hood did not end with Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him; Rather, it is current, God sends prophets according to necessity, and Ghulam Ahmad is the best of all prophets.
And they also believe that angle Gabriel (peace be upon him) used to descend to Ghulam Ahmad and brings him revelations and his inspirations are also like the Quran.
They say: The Quran is the only one that was brought by the Promised Messiah (Ghulam Ahmad) and the Hadith is the only one that is in the light of his teachings, and other prophets are under the rule and leadership of Ghulam Ahmad.
They believe that a book was revealed to them called “Al-Kitab Al-Mubin” and it is different from the Holy Qur’an, and they also believe that they have an independent religion, an independent Sharia, and the companions of Ghulam Ahmad are like the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
They believe that the city of Qadian is like Madinah and Makkah. Rather, it is better than them and its land is a shrine. This city of Qadian is the Qibla of those who go there to perform Hajj.
They canceled the idea of jihad and blindly obeyed the British government; Because according to their opinion, the British government is their first Supreme according to the text of the Qur’an, all the Muslims of the world are infidels to them; Except the one who enters Qadianit; Also, anyone who gives a daughter to a non-Qadiyan or takes a wife from a non-Qadiyan is a disbeliever; Wine, opium and other drugs are considered halal.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says: the miracles of that Prophet (PBUH) are written Three thousand, But my miracles have been written by a million, and in order to show his superiority in front of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, he had this poem on his tongue:
له خسف القمر المنیر وان لي خسف القمران المشرقان اتنکر؟
For him, the moon was eclipsed. But for me both the moonlight and the sun were eclipsed, do you still deny it?
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad believed that he is the best and superior of all the prophets, he said: “The will of God is that the perfections of all the prophets and messengers are concentrated in my person.”
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s son, Bashiruddin Mahmood, writes in Qadiyan’s “Al-Fazl” magazine: “The Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) was a prophet and in terms of rank, he was the disciple of the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his shadow; But he was much better than other prophets, maybe he is even bigger and better than the Holy Prophet.
Ghulam Ahmed’s son, Bashiruddin Mahmood, says: “Allah Almighty has declared three holy city: Mecca, Medina, Qadian. Performing Hajj in Qadian is like Hajj in Bait Al-Haram.”
Qadiyans believe that visiting the grave of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is equal to visiting the grave of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and they say: Whoever visits the white dome of the Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani), its blessings are equal to the blessings that are specific to the green dome of the Prophet, peace be upon him. The city is Medina; So how unfortunate is the person who deprives himself of Hajj Akbar in Qadian!
The Qadiyans went one step further and matched the verses that were revealed about the Al-Haram Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Qadiyans; Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says in the margin of the book “Barahin ol Ahmadiyya”: Allah Almighty says:«ومن دخله کان آمناً» “And whoever enters it is safe” and this verse also applies to the mosque of Qadian.
And he says in a poem:
إن أرض قادیان تستحق الاحترام وإنها من هجوم الخلق أرض الحرام
The land of Qadian deserves respect and dignity, this land has become a forbidden land due to the influx and turning of people towards it.
And also in the treatise “Al-Fazl”, volume 20, it is stated that the meaning of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the saying of Allah Almighty:
“Glory be to Him who took His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed”
means the Qadian Mosque, and yet Qadian is equal to the Al-Haram Mosque, and maybe higher than that.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad believed that Jesus did not die on the cross; Rather, he became unconscious and was brought down, and when his injuries were healed, he went to India and after a while he died a natural death and his grave is in Kashmir. He does not accept the Christian belief in the resurrection of Prophet Esai (peace be upon him) at the end of time; Therefore, he interpreted the hadiths related to the return of Jesus Christ and said that the meaning is not Jesus himself; Rather, he is a person similar to Jesus and his manifestation.
He believed that due to the excessive misguidance of Christians and the deviation of people from the true religion and the prevalence of corruption, oppression and lies throughout the world, God Almighty informed Jesus, peace be upon him, about the temptations of his nation, and when Jesus, peace be upon him, understood that his nation are destroying all the people on earth and moving away from the right path, he was upset and in order to help the oppressed, he asked God Almighty for a representative for him who is similar to his truth and essence and the color of his limbs and jewels, and God Almighty Also, chose him (Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani) as the representative of the Prophet (PBUH) to break the cross that Christians worship and praise and to kill the pig.