Author: Muhajir Azizi
Moments with Ramadan (Part 8)
Spiritual, Physical, and Medical Benefits of Fasting:
Fasting has countless benefits and has a profound effect on both the soul and body. One of the reasons behind the legislation of fasting is the improvement of human physical and spiritual well-being, protecting against both outward and inward illnesses. Since ancient times, fasting has been recognized as an important tool for natural healing, gaining attention from both the general public and medical professionals. The ancient Egyptians, for instance, used fasting as a healing remedy for diseases, a fact that is clearly evidenced by the engravings and inscriptions found in their temples and tombs. Similarly, ancient civilizations such as China, India, Rome, and Greece also practiced fasting as a form of therapy.
According to the renowned historian Herodotus, the ancient Egyptians fasted three days each month, which allowed them to cure many diseases. This practice contributed to their better health compared to other nations and enhanced their reputation in medicine. In the sixth century BCE, the famous Chinese physician Tsou Tzu, who lived in Tibet, dedicated part of his medical book to fasting therapy and the impact of nutrition on disease treatment.
Among pre-Christian scholars, Socrates prescribed fasting for patients in critical conditions. He once remarked about fasting: “Each of us has a doctor within, and we only need to help him perform his duty.”
Fasting is not only effective for treating physical illnesses but also plays a crucial role in alleviating mental and psychological disorders. Galen, the Roman physician of the second century CE, recommended fasting for treating depression, stress, hypersensitivity, and anxiety. Therefore, fasting significantly reduces depression, strengthens memory, alleviates anxiety, and improves mental well-being.
Muslim physicians have also regarded fasting as an effective treatment for severe diseases, particularly those affecting the digestive system. Ibn Sina (Avicenna), one of the most prominent Muslim doctors, used fasting to treat various ailments and recommended it for both the rich and the poor.
In modern times, fasting therapy has gained widespread acceptance among medical professionals across different countries. Drawing inspiration from ancient physicians and conducting scientific research, they have concluded that fasting is one of the most effective treatments for many diseases. The statements and perspectives of medical experts further confirm this truth. Below are some of their views:
1. Dr. Patricia Bragg states: “Throughout history, fasting has proven its intellectual, physical, and spiritual benefits. It detoxifies the body, aids in the healing process, promotes weight loss, regulates blood pressure, and strengthens the immune system. Whenever we want to rid our bodies of accumulated toxins, we must fast. Fasting provides the body with physiological rest, and this rest generates essential energy. The more energy we conserve, the faster our bodies cleanse themselves of toxins and achieve a healthier life.”

2. Dr. Herbert Shelton says: “Using fasting as a therapeutic method has been common since ancient times. Ibn Sina, the great physician, prescribed fasting for his patients, sometimes extending it to three weeks or more.”

3. Joseph Rodrigo states: “All diseases originate from the digestive system. If you seek health and healing but have not found a cure, start with your digestive system. Just as it is the source of your illness, it also holds the key to your recovery and healing.”

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