Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Philosopher of Afghanistan; Sayyed Jamal al-din Afghan (Part 11)
Sayyed Jamal al-Din’s Views on Authoritarian Governments and Freedom
Sayyed Jamal al-Din specifically opposed the authoritarian and individual governments that ruled Islamic countries. He believed that in these types of governments, the people had no role in political decision-making, and the rulers ruled absolutely over the citizens. In his opinion, these types of governments not only caused the backwardness and decadence of Islamic countries but also made it easy for colonialists to dominate them.
Sayyed also repeatedly pointed out that the concepts of freedom and individual rights should be institutionalized in Islamic societies. He emphasized that people should be able to defend their rights and resist any oppression and tyranny. For this reason, he tried to spread the concepts of freedom, science, and individual rights in Muslim societies and introduced these concepts as the primary means to escape from colonialism and tyranny.
Science and Reason as Tools of Struggle
One of the outstanding features of Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan was that he introduced science and reason as the two main tools to fight colonialism and tyranny. He believed that Islamic societies could only achieve independence and freedom through science. Science, as a superior force, could defeat all forms of oppression and corruption, resisting any tyranny and colonialism. In this context, Sayyed pointed to Western societies, highlighting how they had achieved significant progress through science and knowledge, making them less reliant on colonialism.
Ultimately, Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan concluded that a government not based on science, reason, and individual freedoms would be doomed to decline. He repeatedly emphasized that tyranny and individual rule could never be sustainable in society. This view was, in fact, the foundation of Sayyed Jamal al-Din’s reformist and libertarian thinking, which continues to inspire many Muslim societies today.
Summary and Divine Sunnah
Sayyed Jamal al-Din Afghan pointed out in his analyses that, ultimately, no government can force people to submit through oppression. Societies will gradually move towards a rational government based on individual rights and freedoms. He indicated that in any era, when science and knowledge are institutionalized within a society, this divine Sunnah ensures the establishment of new systems and the promotion of rational governments. In other words, the divine Sunnah indicates that societies will naturally progress towards scientific and social advancement, with any individual tyranny and oppression ultimately dissipating.
As Allah has said in the Quran: (و سنة الله في الذين خلوا من قبل ولن تجد لسنة الله تبديلا) Translation: “The Sunnah of Allah is among those who were before you, and you will not find any change in the Sunnah of Allah.”
Therefore, Sayyed Afghan pursued efforts to awaken Eastern countries at both the individual and societal levels, simultaneously and harmoniously. He believed that to achieve freedom and independence in these nations, the individual and social consciousness must first be awakened because, without intellectual awakening, no change or development could occur in the social and political arenas. For Sayyed Afghan, awakening meant awareness of the current circumstances and recognition of the colonialist and domestic tyrannical factors that had taken root in most Eastern countries.
He further emphasized that the foundation of this awakening must be built on freedom—freedom that is significant in two ways: first, freedom from internal tyranny imposed on the people in some Eastern countries, and second, freedom from the clutches of Western colonialists who sought to protect their interests through domination and economic and social exploitation. Sayyed Afghan believed that these two types of freedom were necessary for every nation to achieve self-sufficiency and independence. In his view, freedom from colonialists and internal tyranny was of primary importance, as until Eastern countries were liberated from these two issues, they would see no progress or development in any field.
However, following the realization of these freedoms, Sayyed Afghan suggested that an alliance should be formed among Eastern countries so they could defend their hard-won freedoms through cooperation and solidarity and prevent renewed colonial influence. Unity and solidarity among nations were essential to ensure the preservation of freedoms, for only under such conditions could these freedoms become stable, durable, and resilient against internal and external threats.
One fundamental point that Sayyed Afghan emphasizes is the role of science and knowledge in achieving the goals of freedom and national awakening. He clearly states that science and knowledge empower the people of the East to stand against colonialists, not only to defend themselves but also to work effectively towards achieving economic, social, and political independence. In one of his speeches, he says: “O people of the East, think about how the colonialists protect the borders of their colonies; they know that weapons and science are tools that can threaten their sovereignty.” For Sayyed Afghan, science is a weapon that can intimidate colonialists from within and undermine the foundations of their rule.
Sayyed Afghan emphasizes that colonialists try to maintain their power indirectly by preventing the spread of science and knowledge among the people of the East. They wish for the peoples of the East to remain ignorant, facilitating the exploitation of these countries’ natural and human resources. For this reason, colonialists hinder scientific and cultural advances across their colonies and instead attempt to divert them from the path of progress and development by promoting moral corruption and lawlessness among the populace.
However, Sayyed Afghan believed that science and awareness could serve as formidable weapons against colonialists, just as firearms threaten them. He posited that if the people of the East could attain knowledge, they would be able to drive oppressors out of the economic, social, and political arenas and reclaim their independence. Consequently, one of Sayyed Afghan’s goals was to disseminate science and education among the people, liberating them from ignorance.