Author: Bashir Ahmad Ahmadi
The Role of Values in Human Life (The 2nd and Final Part)
How and on what basis are values determined?
Is the value of an action the same for all people or not? The worldview of humans plays the most important role in determining values. That is, it is a person’s view of the universe, humanity, and life that determines the purpose of their life. This person’s values are based on their purpose; for instance, a capitalist sees happiness in utilizing the world’s resources, and benefit is the foundation of their thinking. Therefore, they determine the value of their actions on this basis, considering anything that helps them achieve their goals as valuable.
On the contrary, any action that is not related to their goal will be deemed futile. For example, trying to acquire wealth is a valuable act for a capitalist, even if this effort takes them away from their morals, family, and friends. They may be willing to sacrifice many years of their life to acquire wealth, but taking care of their elderly father, who is no longer able to work, becomes a worthless act to them; therefore, they may send him to a nursing home.
Similarly, every person living on Earth, according to their worldview, values their actions and performs them based on that perceived value. The religion of Islam, which was sent by Allah (SWT) to accurately outline the worldview of humanity, as the greatest religion in the world, has clarified the value of actions for a person who adheres to this worldview. Therefore, a principled Muslim who possesses a correct Islamic worldview, rationally convinced of their creation, their duty in this world, and the ultimate outcome, considers the world a place of suffering and a divine test. They believe the goal of life is to attain the satisfaction of Allah Almighty. Consequently, any action that leads to the satisfaction of Allah (SWT) is valued, while actions that incur the wrath of Allah (SWT) are considered worthless.
This is why a Muslim fasts during the long, hot days of summer, despite no material benefit to them, gives charity from their wealth, and averts their gaze from seeing the non-Mahram. The satisfaction of Allah (SWT) is found in performing these actions, making them valuable.
It is worth mentioning that man-made systems, each embodying a specific worldview, establish goals for humanity in the short term, within a world that will ultimately perish. Because humanity plays a role in determining values, they have always been influenced by time, place, and environment. Intellectual limitations and the outburst of instincts directly interfere in this matter. For this reason, values have changed throughout history and continue to evolve.