Unfortunately, the corrupt Western media has had a profound impact on the thoughts of some Muslim women. When a Muslim woman sees a woman’s movement, attitude, or way of dressing on television or online, and Satan makes it appear beautiful in her eyes, she begins to imitate it, becoming like a leaf that moves with every wind, adopting new movements, clothing, and behavior every day. But she does not know who that woman is or what her purpose is in appearing before the television screen. She fails to understand that this woman, who, in the name of civilization, culture, and a prosperous life, descends from the heights of her veil and chastity, is, in fact, saying to society: “I am not worthy of this high position and character. I am a slave who can be bought and sold!”
Unfortunately, if something is said about these unnecessary imitations, some may dismiss it as mere “fashion” that everyone follows.
Allama Iqbal Lahori rejected such blind imitations, considering them a disgrace to humanity:
“That disgrace to humanity is that it has become naked in the face of modernity, like an animal in its own body. It has turned its head away from Allah’s command, has rebelled, and has followed fashion through false imitation.”
When slavery was prevalent in the world, the distinction between respectable, free women and slave women—who were bought and sold like commodities—was solely in their clothing; a free and respectable woman was required to wear hijab and veil, while a slave woman had no right to wear a veil for fear of being mistaken for free women and benefiting from their social status.
A woman who, by disobeying divine commandments, distances herself from Allah (s.w.t) and darkens her heart by committing sins is thrown from the happiness and peace of serving Allah Almighty into the terrible valley of hardship and misery driven by lust. This type of woman has buried herself alive and has chosen those who are slaves to lust—ranging from dancers and film actresses to the lewd women in commercials—as her role models.
Those who make the truth seem false to women and label beauty as ugliness, and ugliness as the perfection of beauty, and chastity and modesty as transgression and extremism, while calling nudity and mixing with male society “culture,” “progress,” and “civilization,” are, in fact, carving the tombstone of women. Those who tempt women in the name of self-sufficiency—from needing no one—lead them into markets unworthy of them, pushing to escape the burden of their father’s responsibility or, as they say, to rid themselves of their husband’s or family’s favor. In reality, they are leading them toward the abyss of misery and cruelty.
So, dear sister! When the wise and merciful Allah has provided you examples and introduced them in His eternal Book, what need is there for you to imitate the unbridled and unveiled women of the West and other nations? Allah the Almighty states:
(“And Allah, the Exalted, has set forth for the believers an example of the wife of Pharaoh when she said: My Lord! Build for me a house with You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from the wrongdoing people; and Mary, the daughter of Imran, who kept her chaste, and We breathed into her of Our Spirit; she confirmed the words of her Lord and His Books and was of the obedient.”)
My sister! Your best and most excellent role models are Asiyah, the wife of Pharaoh, Mary, the daughter of Imran, the mothers of the believers, the righteous wives, and the leaders among the Companions and the followers. Seek happiness by studying their ways, methods, and lifestyles, for this is the highest and most exalted level of happiness.
To the sisters who have been influenced by the propaganda of the Western media, I say: You have followed various trends for so long; it is time to once again embrace the commands and instructions of Islam. Read the Quran and Hadith, seek your place in them, and fully adhere to Shariah so that you can experience the joy of being a woman, a mother, a sister, and a daughter in Islam. As noted, before, Islam has granted each of these role’s rights, benefits, and characteristics.
A Woman’s Responsibility Outside the Home
The summary of the command of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to women is this: It is not your duty to serve anyone in the world. You are free from the burden of any external responsibilities. You are not responsible for anyone. The only things that are asked of you are to stay at home, obey your husband, and educate your children.
In this capacity, you are the architect of society. The structural foundation of society is laid by you. This esteemed position of honor has been awarded to you by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Now you have the choice to embrace this honorable position or accept the humiliation that contemporary society imposes on women.
Thus, it becomes evident that a Muslim woman should avoid going to markets unless there is a dire need and should focus on her household duties. In this regard, she should pay attention to the instructions of the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).