Social space and Observing Marital Rights (Part 5)
3.4. The Principle of Covering in Marital Relations
In his “Ahkam al-Quran,” Ibn al-Arabi, in his commentary on this part of the verse of Surah Al-Baqarah «…هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّ…», expresses a view as follows: “Each of you, the spouses, preserves chastity and covers what should not be seen by each other.”
It is clear from this statement that the principle in the relationship between husband and wife is secrecy and the non-disclosure of matters to others. Unfortunately, today, as soon as young girls and boys get married or make preparations for marriage, they share almost everything happening in their lives with everyone, under the pretext that they have now become official and legal husband and wife. It seems that only illicit relationships should remain secret, not legitimate marital issues.
4. Marital Secrets from the Perspective of the Prophetic Hadiths
The family is a safe place for proper communication among its members and for maintaining each other’s dignity and honor. This privacy must first be protected and cared for by family members, especially spouses, and subsequently by others. Only in this way can the security of marital life be maintained.
Islam’s clear command, especially through the Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), consistently states that marital secrets should be kept confidential. Since all interests and intimacy between spouses fall within the framework of marital secrets, prophetic guidance emphasizes that marital affairs should be shielded from the eyes of others. In the following sections, a group of important Hadiths of the Prophet will be explained in this context.
4.1. Disclosures: Holders of the Worst Ending
Secrecy entails the preservation of secrets and keeping private matters hidden from others. On the other hand, one of the worst violations of confidentiality is the disclosure of marital secrets. This act is so heinous that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stated: “Indeed, among the worst people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection is the man who has intercourse with his wife, and she has intercourse with him, then he reveals her secret (to others).” To clarify the important points and understand the precise jurisprudence of this narration, we will delve into the detailed analysis provided by scholars in this field, after which the outcomes will be summarized.
Imam Nawawi, in his commentary on this Hadith, writes: “This Hadith serves as evidence for the prohibition of a husband disclosing marital affairs and describing the details of what occurs between him and his wife, whether in words, deeds, or the like.”
After discussing this Hadith, Allamah Minawi notes: “As Nawawi stated in his commentary on the prohibition of disclosing secrets, this serves as a severe warning (to those who commit this act).”
Although the apparent meaning of this Hadith highlights the unfavorable outcome for men who disclose marital secrets, women are also included in this warning. In this context, Dr. Musa Shaheen, in his explanation of the phrase “…then he publishes her secret,” writes: “The meaning of ‘then he publishes her secret’ applies to both men and women; this is because the principle for women is to cover what violates modesty, and they are less likely to commit this act due to their modesty. Conversely, men are generally more prone to this behavior than women.”
Another point worth noting is the severe consequences for those who reveal marital secrets. While this act is evidently a grievous sin, the question arises: is this heinous act classified as a major sin or a minor sin? Allama Ibn Hajar Haytami, based on his interpretation of the aforementioned Hadith, has only categorized disclosure by men as a major sin. However, some contemporary researchers, after examining various perspectives from Islamic scholars regarding the definition of major sins, argue that the disclosure of marital secrets by women should also be considered a major sin.
Dr. Mohammad Hommam, a contemporary researcher, proposes a specific definition that encompasses various viewpoints: “Any sin acknowledged to be a major sin in the Quran or Sunnah, or for which the perpetrator faces a religious punishment in this world or the hereafter, or that negates the perpetrator’s faith, or that lacks explicit textual evidence but has consequences similar to those of a recognized major sin, is classified as a major sin.”
Based on this definition, since the harm caused by a woman disclosing marital secrets is at least as grave as that caused by a man doing so, this heinous act by a woman is also classified as a major sin.
After analyzing the statements of scholars regarding this narration, it can be concluded that:
– Disclosing marital secrets can be done by either spouse or both.
– Sexual intercourse, preparations, and their details are clear examples of marital secrets.
– Marital secrets encompass not only actions and deeds but also speech, images, writing (stickers, text messages, etc.).
– One sign of spouses’ modesty is refraining from revealing marital secrets.
– Revealing marital secrets is an unlawful act.
– Severe punishment in the hereafter has been indicated for those who disclose marital secrets.
– Publishing marital secrets is classified as a major sin.