Author: Abu Raef
Secularism (Part 25)
The Impact and Consequences of the Theory of Evolution on Western Society
But what factors led to the profound influence of this theory? It must be understood that if Darwin’s theory had emerged and developed in an era different from the one in which it actually grew, or under conditions other than those of that time, it might not have left such a mark on Western society and might not have had such an impact. However, the factors that made this theory so influential include the following:
1. Adverse Historical Conditions: Darwin’s theory was born at a time when the conflict between science and religion had reached its peak, and the Industrial Revolution had transformed Western society, giving it a new character that was often devoid of religious and moral aspects. The European individual, due to the slavery, humiliation, and degradation imposed by the Church, was seeking revenge against this institution and its representatives. Thus, the emergence of this theory opened a new door for opposition to the Church and the teachings of Christianity.
2. Misuse of the Theory by Destructive and Malicious Powers: It is evident that Jews have always plotted and schemed to destroy humanity and enslave them by eradicating their religion, morality, and sacred customs. This is a belief held by even the most prominent Western intellectuals. Over time, their hidden plans to annihilate mankind are gradually being revealed.
The Protocols state: “Do not think that our explicit words are empty statements; rather, keep in mind that the success of Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche was prearranged by us, while the immoral impact of these views and theories among nations is clear and evident to us.”
This has led to Darwin’s theory quickly being accepted and adapted among Jews in various fields of life, science, and thought.
The Jews have also popularized and publicized this theory using other means and have exploited it in certain ways, such as ignoring evolutionary theories that acknowledge divine power and its role in the development and evolution of species, turning Darwin’s theory into a substitute and replacement for Christian faith, mythologizing Darwin and declaring him the greatest thinker and savior of humanity, and attacking Darwin’s opponents through writers and journalists, as the press was controlled by skeptical Jews.
The outcome of this promotion and popularization of Darwin’s theory by Jews was that Western Christian society was driven towards atheism, secularism, materialism, and a complete disbelief in God, leading to doctrinal confusion and a distancing from their own religious beliefs.